Concert for Rowan raises over £2100 for the Rainbow Trust
Concert for Rowan A truly wonderful evening.
In the words of Jeremy Backhouse:
“What a truly wonderful evening last night was! The sound of my fabulous family of combined choirs (Salisbury Community Choir,Vivace Chorus, Vasari Singers) and the amazing youth choirs, is something that will stay with me forever. The performances were stunning, beautiful, filled with life and commitment. Even my wardrobe malfunction couldn’t distract from the unique atmosphere of the evening! Thanks, of course, to so many people, but especially to Helen Atkinson and Gill Perkins for making the evening such a phenomenal success; to Will, Beth and, of course, Rowan, for being so selflessly at the heart of the project; and to all the musicians (most especially to the brilliant David Coram to whom, to my eternal embarrassment, I failed to give a bow, despite having asked him to come on at the end). Will spoke about friends in his talk at the start of the concert; to his words, I add that I am immensely proud of what all my friends in all my choirs achieved together yesterday. Thank you ALL”