Busy end to the year
The choir had a very busy last few months in 2018, with a major concert in Winchester Cathedral, on November 3rd, when we sang a work we commissioned from Alexander & Joanna Forbes L’Estrange entitled ‘Freedom’ The Power of Song.
The full choir were supported by 70+ children from local schools and a band. The Cathedral was full, and aside from an exciting and very enjoyable performance, £1096+ was raised for the charity Naomi House & Jack’s Place.
In December, as well as our usual Christmas Concert, held this year in St.Mark’s Church, Salisbury, we sang at a number of other events:
– ‘Light Up a Life’ service at Salisbury Hospice
– Christmas Tree Festival in St.Thomas’s Church, Salisbury
– Nativity Festival, Salisbury Methodist Church
– Salisbury Christmas Market
– Salisbury Cathedral Cloisters
– for BBC South, inside the Guildhall and in the Market Square